"Party Hard" lyrics


"Party Hard"

Originally by Andrew W.K.

When it's time to party we will party hard

You work all night (all night)
And when you work you don't feel all right
And when,
When things stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do as others do (no)
Know what we want and we get it from you
Do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard,
Party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard)

You fight that fight
And when you're fightin' you feel all right
But when,
When things stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do as others do (no)
Know what we want and we get it from you
We do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard
Party hard, party hard, party hard party hard,
Party hard, party hard party hard, party hard...)

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