"Night Of A Thousand Torches" lyrics


"Night Of A Thousand Torches"

I need to feel alive tonight
sing your heart out
We are not damned in this life
Take back the night!

I will defy you
Take back what's mine
I will defy you

What we defy now will shape our lived forever
With liberty we strengthen our own destiny

We must take back the night
Let's make this legendary
We must take back our lives
Let's live in all its glory

Loyal to our insight
We refuse to let this die
Allegiance is our victor
Dedicated to the fight,
With virtue we do what's right
This is our declaration

Desperate for a life I can believe in
We are not damned in this life
Take back the night!

I will defy you
Take back what's mine

We must take back the night
Let's make this legendary
We must take back our lives
Let's live in all its glory

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