"Good Soil, Bad Seeds" lyrics


"Good Soil, Bad Seeds"

Good people do such bad things when untended to
Good soil with such dead leaves bearing rotten fruit

Kinetically, I am what you give to me
Give me trust and I'll be trusting
Separately, when I'm not where you can see
The machinery that keeps us on is rusting

And when we meet, you'll kiss me with a seed between your teeth
And if it settles in my chest, I'll do my best to leave it be
I'll let the stem strike out, I'll let it pry apart my ribs
I'll throw the petals up to show this for exactly what it is

Kinetically, I am what you give to me
Give me trust and I'll be trusting
Separately, when I'm not where you can see
The machinery that keeps us on is rusting

In conversation
When my tongue is laying traps for you to fall on
Will you fall on?
And in the teeth
Are you calm, are you serene
So your stillness gives me nothing?

Take what you want, I won't be selfish
Just take it all, I know you can't help it
Don't lose the steps that got you this far
Just get some rest, you know you don't have to fall apart

(There is nothing to fear, there is nobody watching you
There's nobody watching you, you don't have to fall apart)

Good people do such bad things when untended to
Good soil with such dead leaves bearing rotten fruit

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