"Your Vote Doesn't Mean Shit" lyrics


"Your Vote Doesn't Mean Shit"

Your vote doesn't mean shit.
Wax poetic all you want about how
You're making a difference, but you're not.
The system is rigged.
You're voting on the same party, with different names.
Whoever wins, so does the government.
Candidates are just puppets on a string, scapegoats,
Human faces for the destruction of America.
They won't allow a candidate to win
That would enact true change.
Did you really think you had a choice?
This is America, your fate's already been decided.
"Real issues" are displayed on the marquee
While the truth plays out behind-the-scenes.
Stay at home, save your gas,
We have no voice, so ignore the propaganda.
So much for fucking democracy,
We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
Keep voting on the lesser of two evils, you fucking morons.
Keep falling for the idea that you have a say.
You're just speeding up this country's downfall;
Falling into their trap.
It's all an elaborate ploy, scripted and predictable.
Democrat or Republican, they're all thieves and fucking liars
Who think their words hold value.
What happened to "We the People"?
A precious few are deciding everything on our behalf
And our silence is a nod of approval.
To take our rights back, we must start with a whisper
But it will end in a scream.

Thanks to ToxicDream for these lyrics

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