"Gas Station Grills" lyrics


"Gas Station Grills"

Where's your wings, let's kill our future together
In a year and a half, one won't move without the other
I've changed a lot even my friends have noticed
I'm better off with you
The friends won't make it work
If anything they try to make it worse
I would never let them down
So please don't make me choose
You're all I've got, my brothers will always matter to me
You're all I want, my brothers don't make me choose
No soul is perfect, but you try like everyone else
You get an E for effort and the four letter 'L' bomb
If it was a bomb, I'd drop it five times a day
Hiroshima would have nothing on your ears
The friends won't make it work
If anything they try to make it worse
I would never let them down
So please don't make me choose
You're all I've got, my brothers will always matter to me
You're all I want, my brothers don't make me choose
My best friends know how it is
There's no feeling better than this

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