"1958" lyrics



There are things I just can’t get over,
that make me lose sleep and wonder,
if the pursuit of happiness could really just be,
trying to forget about this money praising society.

I need to know how you are supposed to feel when you’ve only lived in turmoil,
when the abuse you faced as a child inside you boils,
down to the economic stresses your family once faced,
and why they turned to drugs, because they were only this country’s waste.

Unexpected like all my generation,
feeling unwanted and full of questions,
it leaves you as the perfect byproduct;
searching for answers in the bottom of a bottle,
but we’ll never find them in a system like this
when loss of living lives are so quickly dismissed,
to the people who have always loved me,
would only my skin color stop you from butchery?

Did your years on ships, did your years building bombs,
prepare you for life outside Korea, for life back home?
When you would be greeted by a marching parade,
with confetti in your hair but you just needed pay.

You knew then, you would only be turned away,
killers belong in Vietnam and no other place,
H.R. couldn’t get what made you this way,
it was your sins, all the children she’s killed,
America has made me this way.

Now I can’t help seeing the parallels between,
Jack and I, driving though California and only seeing,
the immigrants hired to pick daily luxuries,
out of trees as the red sun gets so heavy.

Well where the fuck is my tent with the broken mirror,
and the Mexican Mañana I’m supposed to take care of?
See, I told you this book depressed the fuck out of me,
because, “Kerouac’s soul was so lost and lonely.”

I think you might be wrong though,
it’s America who’s the lost and lonely soul,
but we just give ourselves these mindless jobs,
so no one else could ever guess or know,
that we are all full of shit, passed by Uncle Sam himself

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