"Fatty Phone Call" lyrics


"Fatty Phone Call"


Hey fatty, it's Joey

Oh, what's up..what's up Joey. How ya doing?

Pretty good, alright dude are you gonna come down and play on my record?

Ohh, ri.. uhhh. This is that record you're doing right then, the acoustic one that I'm not putting out.

Yeah, I mean if you don't...

Yeah, I'm.. I'm not feeling too good today bro

Oh.. Alright well it's cool man, I mean if you don't want to be on the record it's not that big of a deal, you know. It's just..

Uh.. my daughter's sick dude, I gotta go, I'll talk to you later.

Ok I... hello?

Thanks to Nick Wisniewski for these lyrics

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Punk Lyrics | J | JOEY CAPE

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