"My Mind Is Sick" lyrics


"My Mind Is Sick"

Torture living life through this world of fucking lies
Designed to brainwash yer mind,
From everything you see and hear
I'm struggling to get by my on my own,
The worlds just one big mistake
We're destroying everything,
That we’ve ever fuckin known

I'm so lost in space, I'm questioning why I live,
I'm just a clone for mr. bush
To go to war and die in vain
I'm tired and disheveled, I'd rather reign in hell
My mind is sick sick sick, so I'm cutting deeper in

Everything's turning black,
I cut my arm and slit my neck
I'm happy though you’ll all die,
From following the media’s lies

I'm still looking hard for what I want and what I need
And not create some shit,
That I follow falsely
So turn yer cheek and raise a finger,
We're all here to kill each other
They’ve got me on a leash,
So I can fuckin tell the truth

Everything's turning black,
I cut my arm and slit my neck
I'm happy though you’ll all die,
From following the media’s lies

My mind is sick sick sick
So I'm cutting deeper in
The devil lives not far from home
I feel the heat from his fiery pit.
My mind is sick sick sick
So I'm cutting deeper in
The devil lives not far from home
I feel the heat from his fiery pit.

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