"Tough Shit Wilson" lyrics


"Tough Shit Wilson"

Tough shit was born in Tennessee,
He was deaf and dumb, he measured 4 foot 3
He had one arm one leg no teeth and one plum.
He married a girl in 62 she was a 60 year old leper called Mary Lou,
But she died of cancer on her anniversary.

They call him toughshit, toughshit Wilson
Toughshit, thoughshit was his name

Toughshit was left with a baby son who died on leukemia at the age of one,
And toughshit was left with his guide doggy called roach.
Till one day crossing with his dog on a wee doach,
But roach didn't see the coach approach
And the wheels rolled gently over toughshits head.

They call him toughshit, toughshit Wilson
And toughshit was his name
They call him toughshit
And toughshit was his claim to fame

At tough shits funeral, no one came
The vicar was late and it poured with rain,
They dropped the coffin down a flight of stairs,
But let us not forget toughshits pain
And perhaps he never died in vein but when it comes to that
Who fucking cares, not me I don't

Toughshit, toughshit Wilson
Toughshit was his name
They call him toughshit, toughshit Wilson
And toguhshit was his claim to fame

Thanks to korny monkey for these lyrics

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