"So We Say" lyrics


"So We Say"

Well, you say that you're going
But you'll be back
To give me the help I need
And you say that you're going
But you'll be back to help me out
Well I think you forgot what helps about

Yeah you say that you're going
But you'll be back
To do the things I can't
And you say that you're going
But you'll be back and don't you fear
Well man I got news you ain't ever been here

So here I am drunk and alone
Well you get what you want boy so don't you moan
Yeah here I am
The seeds are sown
And I feel like I'm sprouting all alone

And I'll say that I'll stop but I won't
No I don't think I have ever gotten close
And you'll say that you'll do it but you won't
Yeah well I understand man they all don't

So here I am
Bored and alone
Yeah I think I did what I came for
But I don't know
Yeah here I am
Going home
And I got you so I ain't alone

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