"A Short Supply (Of Truth)" lyrics


"A Short Supply (Of Truth)"

To renew yourself please make sure that you understand,
Few things go your way, because you put yourself aside

We are all the same,
Looking to direct the blame we knowing we're all in a game.
Lying has been helpful again you must play a part just to blend

In with those you know who tell you that they care
Who knows? They might.
I'm not always there to see the truth
Betrayal is a part of life you know, we've all been there.

Views do change with time, I've learned about how to forget.
Everyone has hind sight and makes sure to let you know

We are all the same ...

But what happens when you've been denied
Sadness sinks in takes the place pride
The medicine I need is in short supply
I feel now days that I must stay inside in
the room that I've built to be free.

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