"Lights Go Out" lyrics


"Lights Go Out"

So here we go, an international war
We're buying the voice just to lie and justify the score
Fight the confusion, anger and hate
Our shot in the darkness it's never too late
One will and one heart a worldwide calling out
For your muted voices we scream and shout
Our leader invoke their gods and their eyes glaze
Profits and prophets religions of guilt and decay

Will we fall will we fight
Black out in the daylight in world justice name
Will we fall will we fight
Blackout in the workyards of the killing game

Blackout I don't wanna fight
Blackout against our rights
Blackout won't take the life
The spoils of war we'll profit from no more
Blackout I don't wanna fight
Blackout won't take the life
Blackout won't take the life

There are no saints, there are no patriots
Designer gods fulfill their prophecy
But they're not talking to me
While crocodile tears pour from the tv
Well you were once boardroom tables apart
While trading our reason for the businessman's art
How many fabricated enemies
Will it take 'til we see?

Will we fall will we fight
Black out in the daylight in world justice name
Will we fall will we fight
Blackout in the workyards at the killing game

Blackout I don't wanna fight
Blackout won't take the light
Blackout won't take the light
The spoils of war we'll profit from no more
Blackout don't wanna fight
Blackout won't take the life
Blackout against our rights
Here we go!

Here we go!

There are no saints, there are no patriots
Designer gods fulfill their prophecies
But they're not talking to me
How many false enemies will it take 'til we see?

Will we fall will we fight
Blackout in the daylight
Will we fall will we fight
Blackout in the daylight

Thanks to Jake Benjamin for these lyrics

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