"Twelve" lyrics



Written and performed by Landon Tewers

When I was young, my dreams were endless and life just made sense

Mother's smiling, my father's worry
And that’s how things were then

Doors were closed the house was quiet
Eyes opened wide

So exciting just reminding
Tomorrow's almost here

I told my friends that I was leaving
You’ll never see my face again

I told my dad he’d never get me
But he always did

And I’m so sorry
That I never had the chance to thank you
And I’m so sorry that I can’t be more

All my hope is gone
All my time is lost
And I’m stuck here

I hate myself
I hate my motives

I’ve lied to my family
Lied to my brother's face

I question God
I test my conscious

I’m a fake
I’ll just fake it

Please stay away
Please stay
Stay away

Thanks to Fezz for these lyrics

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