"Cope" lyrics



Hey, I remember how you´d argue to the death
But harm them, never
Today, the unsolved mystery
Are you suffering from amnesia?
Or are you guilty?

Hey are you leaving us today?
Don´´t get me wrong, it´s all fucked up but,
Please do not give up
We were all innocent when young

Today the Giants won yet another world series
But all I can see is the harsh light on two empty seats
The lost love of your life means two people died that night
And your cell more in your mind then where you´re locked inside

Hey are you leaving us today?
Don´t get me wrong, it´s so fucked up but I´ve not given up
Promise I´ll visit you the day I find the words to convey hope
While you´re despairing and afraid we merely have to put out faith
In this coping. You´re coping. Are you coping?

Thanks to Eram Ramone for these lyrics

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