"Useless Comparisons" lyrics


"Useless Comparisons"

Today I look so tired
I thought that I was stronger but I realize
I'm just the idiot of the year
I'm running out of time
I can't waste no more lies you gotta live me here alone this time
I'm sick of you (yeah)

Today I look so tired
I thought that I was stronger but I realize
I'm just the idiot of the year
I'm running out of time
I can't waste no more lies you gotta live me here alone this time
I'm sick of you (yeah)

I don't know that world
I don't want to be a jerk
Out of my door
Tell me what are fighting for
I prefer this bore
Alive and well at Home Sweet Home
Now I'm sick of

Now I'm sick of this people
Useless comparisons between good and evil
Always shit talking
Shut your fucking mouth you don't understand
What I'm saying maybe cause you are too fucking stupid
Or you are refusing what is true or false I don't think I'm gonna fall
Watching out the window now wind blows so strong

Now I'm sick of this people
Useless comparisons between good and evil
Always shit talking
Shut your fucking mouth you don't understand
What I'm saying maybe cause you are too fucking stupid
Or you are refusing what is true or false I don't think I'm gonna fall
Watching out the window now wind blows so

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Punk Lyrics | J | JET MARKET

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